Episode 20: Don't Mind the Gap--Exploring age differences in relationships


Welcome to a very special episode this week where we have a blast talking to Sean and Alecia, a married couple with a 14 year age difference between them. They tell us what it’s like being in a relationship with a wider than average age gap. Is it hard? Is it fun? What did their friends and family think? How do they make it work?

They give us a glimpse into how they met, and their initial thoughts on the differences in their ages, and they discuss how their relationship has been going, and share some relationship advice with us. We also talk about how they’ve been successfully navigating societal expectations and stereotypes. Love really does make things easy!

Along the way, we chat about Korean dramas, age preferences on dating apps, and whether one's choice of e-mail provider helps define one's age bracket. Obviously :)

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Episode 21: The one where Shiv hates on ‘Friends’


Episode 19: Were the good old days all that good?