Episode 43: Second Career, Second Passion - Midlife Changes or Midlife Crisis?


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This week, Sim wanted to talk about - without any actual evidence - how people pivot at some point from their careers and start a completely new career. People like Julia Childs, Colonel Sanders, Ken Jeong, Ina Garten, Martha Stewart, and (one of Sim's favorites) Jimmy Stewart! And these are just some of the famous examples. They're sure you know at least one person - though they can't prove it :) 

But what is it that makes them do this? Shiv is sure there's a story there - but it's hard to figure out how they were able to do that. What motivates them? Or gives them the confidence? And why - is it to free up time to pursue non-work passions? Or is it to change career tracks and redirect their energies towards a career they're passionate about? Or maybe it's just to feel like they have more meaning in their life. And when is it too late to make a change? Of course, there are no clear answers, but it's certainly worth a conversation or two!

Somehow they also find a few minutes to rant (reminisce?) about 90's fashion and how Generation Z's are bringing it back and don't even know it. 

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Episode 44: The secret to a long life?


Episode 42: Menopause. Let's not be shy about it.