Episode 40: Discussing mental health (Part 1)


October 10th was the World Health Organization World Mental Health Day, and coincidentally, Sim and Shiv decided to have a discussion around their own mental health this week. They touch on how the pandemic has affected their mental health, and how it has had an effect on society at large, including middle-aged and older adults. Shiv talks about her issues with self-care and Sim discusses her issues with work-life balance while working from home. Perhaps adopting some aspects of European work culture would do them a world of good! Please note that any information provided is not a substitute for professional advice. If you feel that you may need medical advice, please consult a qualified health care professional.

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Episode 41: Discussing Mental Health (Part 2)


Episode 39: (Belatedly) Celebrating the U.N. International Day of Older Persons!