Episode 33: Tick tock, biological clock for the last time (Part 3)


This is our last episode on biological clocks with our guest Tas, a mom, and a health care professional.

Biological clocks - while they exist of course - are morphing in definition and perception. In this episode, the conversation delves into egg freezing as an option to delay having children and the consequences of having children at a later age. Sim brings up her experience growing up with really young parents who were the first among their friends to have children, Tas worries about whether she'll be around to see her grandchildren, and Shiv explains the science behind the quality of women's eggs and men's sperm, and if/how they are impacted by age (you'll hear about mutant chromosomes, mutant cells and placentas!).


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Episode 34: Aging and the dreaded 'N-word


Episode 32: Tick tock, biological clock again! (Part 2)