Episode 29: Listen to your parents, folks!


When you haven't seen your parents in over 18 months because of a global pandemic, you become brave enough to deal with airport crowds, wearing a mask in a tight space and trying your best to stay as socially distant as possible in a fully packed plane to Winnipeg (seriously Air Canada! Why was it so full!?).  At least, that's what Shiv discovered recently, as she made her way home. 

Her trip can definitely be described as nostalgic, as she describes her conversations with her parents, particularly her mom. Shiv chats about her childhood - the time she spent in Libya and Ghana - before moving to Canada, and has some surprising new stories about that time. These stories make Shiv realize how much her parents' intrepid adventures across the globe have shaped her to become the person she is today. She learned a thing or two during this trip, and the most important lesson she takes away from it all is that we really should listen to our parents as much as we can! :) 

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Episode 30: Financial Mistakes in our Youth


Episode 28: Plastic surgery-Would you go under the knife?